
Arguiew turns customer reviews into a compact product summarization, using an interactive argumentation graph and providing visualization tools. By means of sentiment analysis Arguiew infers positive and negative product features, analysing general consensus through argumentative reasoning.

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Given the URL of a product review, Arguiew takes the text from the reviews and converts it into a small graph. This graph depicts the virtual debate held by reviewers, and can be manipulated by users, e.g. to discover the interaction among reviews.

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Who would use it

Arguiew is useful for both buyers and sellers. Buyers can check whether the features they prefer are deemed as positive by consensus. Sellers can check what aspects of their products should be improved, and which ones are in good shape.

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How to use it

Go to the product review webpage. Copy the URL. Open this page (?) and paste the URL in the "Reviews" textbox. Press "OK". A new webpage will be loaded, containing the debate graph, statistics, a dashboard, and more. Have fun.

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